Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Help stop global warming!!!!!!

would you want to see the world end like this???

Would you want that man to be eaten by sharks?

Do you think Global Warming is cool?

If you answered no to any of these questions then start helping the earth live happy and healthy toady!!!!     
for more information on global warming and how to help you can go to the following: 

How can you help with global warming?

There are many ways to help prevent global warming. The only way we can stop or slow down global warming is if people on earth start to help out. Here is a list of things you can do to help.
    1. The three R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle- You can reduce waste by using reusable products instead of disposable products. Also every time you get a chance you should recycle paper, or plastics and metals such as newspaper and soda cans.
    2. Change a light bulb- replace regular light bulbs with compact florescent light. this will save you about 30$ over the lifetime of the bulb, also it uses two-thirds less energy and gives of 70% less heat.
    3. Plant a tree- Planting a tree will help the air be more clean and have lot of clean oxygen and less carbon dioxide.
    4. Use public transportation- Use the bus or a subway, there way there would be one less car polluting the earths atmosphere
To find more ways to help out visit: http://environment.about.com/od/globalwarming/tp/globalwarmtips.htm 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Types of pollution

There are many different types of pollution. The three main types of pollution are: air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. All these types of pollution are caused by man but there are a few things that come into pollution caused by nature.

Air pollution:

Air pollution occurs when there is an excessive amount in the earths air of products like gases, dust fumes or other particals that can be harmful . substances that cause air pollution are called pollutants. 
Air pollution effects your health greatly if you are breathing in air that contains harmful particals. Cities like Los Angeles, Mexico City, and New York City contain a very high amount of pollution in the air. Young children and elderly are particularly effected by air pollution. Many effects of air pollution are long term such as lung cancer, heart disease, damage to the brain, nerves and other parts of the body.

Water pollution:

 Picture of an oiled royal tern chick on a beach.
The oil from the spill also reached this little birds nest.
All water pollution is caused by man. Everyday garbage is being dumped into rivers and oceans, factories are emptying out chemicals into water, ships transporting oil are spilling oil into water and many other things are polluting our water. The polluted water might not be affecting humans but it is having a very big impact on the organisms that live in that water that is getting destroyed. Fish get caught in the trash that is being dumped into the water, animals like turtles and dolphins get caught in soda rings.
 Picture of a bird soaked in oil from the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon spill
A seagull cover in oil from the BP oil spill.
Oil spills like the BP oil spill killed many fish and the oil from the spill went into the stomachs of many dolphins, turtles and other organisms that lived in the Gulf Of Mexico. This spill caused 8,000 birds, sea turtles and many other mammals. Alot of the oil washed up on beaches and polluted the beaches. Because i used to live in Florida at the time of the BP oil spill I know from personal experience, that many people that lived close to the beaches in Florida moved to different states.

Soil Pollution:

Soil pollution is the contamination of the earths land to a point where it is harmful for humans health and the "health" of the ecosystem.
This type of pollution is a great concern to farmers. Unfourtunatley little do those farmers do not know that 
 the fertilizer that they are using for their crops is one very big reason for soil pollution.
Trash that humans dump into landfills are also a big cause for soil pollution. Although most trash is able to decompose but although the trash is not there the chimacals and the toxics are still there in the soil.

greenhouse effect

What is the green house effect?

  •  The green house effect on earth is related to the effect in a greenhouse, which is a controlled environment in which plants are grown. 
  • The green house effect is from which the earth is kept warm and the temperature is kept stable.Without this, the temperature on earth would be an extreme cold temperature which would result in no life.

What happens during the greenhouse effect?

  1. Energy passes through the atmosphere where about 26% of the energy is reflected back by the clouds  or other particals and about 19% is absorbed by the clouds or other particals.
  2. Out of the 55% of the solar energy that is able to go through the earths surface 4 % of it is reflected back.
  3. An average of 51% of the solar energy is used by the earth for things like photosynthesis,  heat, melting of snow, evaporation of water, etc.
  4. when the earth is done using the energy and there is still some energy, the earth becomes a radiator and the remaining energy is directed into space.
  5. only little of that energy is actually sent back into space, the rest bounces back off, of the greenhouse gases into the earth and this cycle is repeated until there is no more of the energy left to be used.

diagram of global warming

This is the normal way that the earth is suppose to control its temperature. But obviously Things like smoke from cars, buses, trains, factories blowing out smoke create a layer in the earths atmosphere causing that solar energy to be trapped inside the earth. This causes the glaciers on earth to melt resulting in the rise of sea level and many animal to die.

introduction to global warming

In our world today the earth and its atmosphere is being polluted and destroyed day and night. This pollution is not just caused by cars, garbage or factories but there are many other factors that play into the role of global warming. Global warming is the increase in the earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the green house effect.