Monday, October 22, 2012

greenhouse effect

What is the green house effect?

  •  The green house effect on earth is related to the effect in a greenhouse, which is a controlled environment in which plants are grown. 
  • The green house effect is from which the earth is kept warm and the temperature is kept stable.Without this, the temperature on earth would be an extreme cold temperature which would result in no life.

What happens during the greenhouse effect?

  1. Energy passes through the atmosphere where about 26% of the energy is reflected back by the clouds  or other particals and about 19% is absorbed by the clouds or other particals.
  2. Out of the 55% of the solar energy that is able to go through the earths surface 4 % of it is reflected back.
  3. An average of 51% of the solar energy is used by the earth for things like photosynthesis,  heat, melting of snow, evaporation of water, etc.
  4. when the earth is done using the energy and there is still some energy, the earth becomes a radiator and the remaining energy is directed into space.
  5. only little of that energy is actually sent back into space, the rest bounces back off, of the greenhouse gases into the earth and this cycle is repeated until there is no more of the energy left to be used.

diagram of global warming

This is the normal way that the earth is suppose to control its temperature. But obviously Things like smoke from cars, buses, trains, factories blowing out smoke create a layer in the earths atmosphere causing that solar energy to be trapped inside the earth. This causes the glaciers on earth to melt resulting in the rise of sea level and many animal to die.

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